Military Society of the Mexican War

1st.Lt (Bvt.Capt) Henry Bethel Judd
3rd Artillery, USA

Henry Bethel Judd was born at New London, Conn., April 25, 1819, a son of the Rev. Bethel Judd, who was a graduate of Yale College of the class of 1797, and a prominent clergyman of the Episcopal Church. Entered as a Cadet at West Point July 1, 1835, and graduated July 1, 1839, standing fourteen in a class of forty-one. Among his classmates were Generals Halleck, Hunt, Ord and Canby. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Third Artillery, July 1,1839; First Lieutenant, December 26, 1840; Regimental Adjutant from January 20 to June 1, 1848; Captain, February 13, 1850, and Major Fourth Artillery November 1, 1861. His first service was in Florida against the Seminole Indians, serving nearly three years, in all parts of the territory, with much credit. From 1842 to 1846 was in garrison at Forts Morgan and Moultrie; at the latter post he was a subaltern of the late General Robert Anderson, then a Captain, and a life-long friendship was formed between them; the late General W. T. Sherman was his associate First Lieutenant in the same company, and they were close friends during their lives. In 1846 he was attached to Steptoe's Light Battery at the siege of Vera Cruz, and while Scott's army was before the city, his battery was in action at Medelin, a few miles south, and for his "meritorious and gallant conduct" there was made Brevet Captain March 25, 1846; the battery was attached to Quitman's Division, and was engaged in nearly all the battles while en route to and in front of the City of Mexico, always performing his duty bravely and faithfully. On returning from Mexico, he was on duty at Santa Fe and other places in New Mexico in 1848-49, and in garrison at Forts Adams and Constitution, New England, in 1851-52. In 1853 while en route to the Pacific Coast with his regiment, by sea, his ship was wrecked and many officers and soldiers were lost., On returning to New York, much broken in health from hardships and exposure, he was placed on sick leave for some time, then was again ordered to the Pacific Coast, serving at Benicia, and in Oregon. On the breaking out of the Civil War he was placed on the retired list, much to his sorrow, for "disability resulting from exposure in line of duty," but was soon after detailed as superintendent of Volunteer Recruiting Service for the State of Delaware, efficiently serving for nearly three years; was then transferred to Buffalo, N. Y., on similar duty, returning to Wilmington in 1865, where he remained on duty until the close of the war. In November, 1865, he received the Brevets of Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel for "faithful and meritorious services in mustering and disbanding volunteers." The climate of Wilmington agreeing with his health he made it his home, residing in a pretty cottage of his own in the suburbs of the city, but was obliged to pass his winters in Florida. Before the war Colonel Judd married Miss Bonneau, of a Hugenot family, of Charleston, S. C., a highly cultivated and most estimable lady, who survives him without children. She proved a true soldier's wife, sharing his hardships without a murmer, and particularly showing her courage and fortitude when the San Francisco was wrecked at sea. The Colonel inherited a very delicate constitution, but in service was always ready for duty, no matter how arduous, if he could possibly walk or mount a horse; he was devoted to his profession and conscientiously fulfilled all its requirements. Respected and beloved by his men and brother officers, his advice was often sought, and he was always ready to heal dissensions and harmonize passing discords; wherever he was stationed he became a favorite in society, and was ever a consistent and active member of the Episcopal Church. His religious professions were exemplified in his daily life. "May the earth lie lightly upon him."
Submitted by Adam Gaines