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These two pen and ink drawings were commissioned to Gary Zaloby, renowned military artist, and are the property of the Aztec Club. The club has a limited supply of numbered prints for sale. The size of ‘flying artillery’ is 21.8” x 14.7” and 'square formation”'is 24.2” x 18.6” 


A Company C" flying artillery ' fieldpiece in action. This scene portrays the moment when one section of Captain Duncan's battery fired directly into the front of the final Mexican flanking attack. The gunners are servicing a model 1841 six-pounder gun, which is about to be loaded with a canister round. Objects on the lower right are a Mexican four-pounder copper cannonball, a smashed U.S. canteen, and an American forage cap. A four-pound copper cannonball, a U.S. canteen spout, and an American spur buckle were found near where Duncan's battery was likely stationed towared the end of the battle. Illustration by Gary Zaboly, courtesy the Aztec Club of 1847.


U.S. Artillery Battalion in square formation, under attack by Mexican lancers. Battalion wagons, band, color guard, officers, and casualties are positioned inside the square. Surgeons, assisted by the bandsmen, are tending the wounded The eighteen-pounder battery is in the foreground on the wagon road, with both cannon firing canister at the oncoming lancers. Several mounted dragoons are protecting the cannon crews, the latter supplied from caissons (lower left) pulled by oxen. Dead and wounded oxen have been dragged off the road. Illustration by Gary Zaloby, courtesy the Aztec Club of 1847.

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